• The Sanctuary (map)
  • Koh Phangan
  • Tambon Ban Tai, จ.สุราษฎร์ธานี, 84280
  • Thailand

Feminine Embodiment Retreat

Movement Medicine and Self care

With Revital Carroll, a world-renowned yoga and dance teacher, and an embodiment coach.

You are sacred, you are beautiful, and you are powerful. You know your potential, and I’m here to guide you to manifest it. Join us at the gorgeous setting of The Sanctuary for a transformative five-day dance and movement retreat to up-level your health and embody your sensuality.

This retreat is open to beginners with no dance or movement experience.

Combining yoga, pilates, qigong, functional movement, and dance, Revital will guide you through practices of holistic movement to make you feel and glow like a goddess!

Revital’s teachings have been described as “transformational” “Empowering” and “inspirational”. This experience will be life-changing for all who attend.

When we immerse ourselves in a focused retreat, we can ignite true transformation. Then, we begin to experience new pathways of living in health and in harmony with our environment. Our retreat will include gentle cultivation practices, self-massage techniques, spiritual teachings, and of course, dance and movement medicine to illuminate your core, embody your sensuality, and awaken your spirit.

You will receive tools to empower you to take charge of your health and rise to the next level of embodying your true nature. Moving from an awakened center catalyzes living a life full of meaning and connection to our community, the divine, our earth, and the cosmos.

Most people have no idea how pleasurable it can be to live in their bodies. No matter what your starting point is, I can show you how to transform Pain into Power, Stress into Energy, and Vulnerability into Strength. Together in a circle of awake individuals, we co-create a process of deep evolution.

This immersion intends to empower you in body, heart, and spirit to become a powerful vessel of divine expression. If you feel the call – we welcome you!

This is a call to return to harmony with the elements of nature and to remember the sacredness of your body.

dancers on the beach retreat for women